New Guidance Issued on Prescription Drugs Related DUI in Arizona

Lawful Use of Prescription Drugs and Selecting Your Driving Under the Influence Attorney in Arizona

The first and most critical step in defending yourself against an DUI conviction is finding a defense attorney who has the experience and understanding to make your DUI defense a winning one, that will help the court to see that the charges must either be dismissed or dramatically reduced.

To achieve this goal, your prescription drug DUI defense attorney will need to know Arizona Revised Statute 28-1381(D) and understand every nuance of you using your drugs as prescribed by your medical professional to show you were not impaired, and the best way to get started with that is to obtain free legal counsel through our complimentary and entirely free legal consultation.

During this time, your prescription Arizona DUI attorney at the Law Office of Daniel Hutto will listen and ask you questions about your charges so that s/he can best understand precisely what happened. From there, our highly experienced and caring staff will work with your AZ prescription DUI attorney to iron out the details of your defense and prepare for your day in court.

Arizona Prescription Drug DUI Penalties, Fines, and Fees

Because Arizona has strict laws around any type of driving under the influence, and because prescription drugs are included under those laws and statutes, it’s important to understand the penalties, fines, and fees to the court that are associated with Arizona DUI law where prescription medications and other prescribed drugs are concerned.

If this is the first time being charged, your prescription DUI offense will be brought against you as a class 1 misdemeanor, as long as there are no aggravated offense factors in play.M/

A prescription drug driving under the influence charge in the state of Arizona will fall under the same rules and regulations as any other first-time misdemeanor driving under the influence charge, and the penalties will include:

  • Minimum 10 days in jail
  • A base fine of $250 that can be amended and added to until it amounts to as much as $2,500 in total fines and fees to the court
  • Potential probation for up to five (5) years as determined by the judge
  • Substance abuse education classes and potentially drug screening as ordered by the judge in your case

If this is your second DUI or third DUI conviction within a 84 month time span since your first conviction, the penalties and fines significantly increase. Call us immediately so we can go over the details of your case.

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About Arizona DUI Laws

In the state of Arizona DUI laws and penalties have become increasingly more serious over the years, and now include mandatory ignition interlock installation for all convicted DUI offenders, even if that alleged offender was not over the Arizona blood alcohol concentration (BAC) legal limit of .08%. That is to say, that being impaired by any degree can result in a DUI arrest in Arizona, even if your breathalyzer shows a zero BAC and the arresting officer simply decides that you’re impaired.

About The Law Office of Daniel Hutto

As a former felony prosecutor for the State of Arizona, Phoenix DUI attorney Daniel Hutto is very well versed in DUI Cases from both sides and uses his years of experience in setting up an aggressive DUI defense strategy. Whether it’s a misdemeanor DUI offense, Extreme DUI or serious felony such as an aggravated DUI with a child in the vehicle, our staff has the proven knowledge and success to provide you a professional and proven effective defense.

To start with your free legal consultation today, give us a call at 602.536.7878 or visit and our experienced and caring staff will take all the needed information to get your defense underway.

Law Office of Daniel Hutto PLLC
4201 Noth 24th Street
Suite 220
Phoenix Arizona, 85016
Phone: (602) 671-0391

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